How to earn from facebook page: Over 25 Tips For Your Page

Do you also want to earn money with your passion for cars, pineapples or anteaters? Why not create a Facebook page?

Inspire your fellow pineapple eaters with a daily dose of recipes and the best ways to peel them. In this way you are engaged in your passion, you make other people's lives better and you can also earn money with it. MONEY? Real? Yep.

Mark Zuckerberg is not wrong. Since 2006, Facebook has been a social network meant for everyone. Over the past ten years, this has resulted in more than 1.65 billion active users. Our Mark, one of the founders of Facebook, is left with a nice pocket money. He is now a multi-billionaire . Not wrong right?

You too can make money with Facebook. Maybe not millions, but every euro is nice, right?

This article consists of:
  • Earn Money from fakebook page
  • Make Money with Affiliate Marketing on Facebook
  • Earn with your own products and service on Facebook 

Earn money with a Facebook page

The first way I'm going to explain to you is to make money with a page on Facebook. After you have created a Facebook profile for free , you can also create a page yourself (under the triangle button at the top right). Here you will be faced with several choices. What are you creating a page for? For a company, organization, famous person, brand, charity? If you create a page that eventually gets thousands and thousands of likes, you can sell it to a company with the same target audience or you can make companies pay you for sharing links, status updates, and ads.

There is a certain uncertainty here…

When will you get your hands on a Facebook page that becomes popular?

  • Choose an original but popular topic. The topic of 'losing weight' is extremely popular. Do you have good experiences with a special tea that helps you lose weight? Then make a page about that. The subject is popular, the theme is original.
  • Choose a recent topic, for example a specific event.
  • Choose humor. Funny animal pictures for example. People like to laugh.
  • Choose an educational topic. Make money with Facebook for example.
  • Create a fan page for that one actress you secretly like.

A topic and then what?

Set an attractive profile picture and cover photo. Make sure they properly reflect the topic of your page. This way your potential liker and follower will know exactly what your page is about.

Fill in the ' about ' option. You can also link to your own website here if you have one.

Start adding photos, posting status updates, and sharing content about your topic. Don't post pictures of rabbits if your page is about cars.

How do I get more likes on Facebook?

  • Invite your contacts to your page liken .
  • Suggest your page in groups and pages with the same topics.
  • If you see people in these groups asking a question that you have the answer to or posting about your topic and you think your Page could make their lives better too, send them a private message.
  • Create an ad . You can very specifically target your own audience with Facebook ads. Placing these ads is not free. A nice video, image or status update can generate a lot of likes in this way, if done well.
  • Have patience. Getting a lot of likes takes time and, in a sense, stamina. You can't just post nothing for a few days.
  • So keep posting content daily. (No more than once a day, because you don't want to scare away your current followers).

Does your page have a lot of likes and does this number keep growing? Now you can consider looking for a buyer. Companies that have the same target group may be interested. You can also approach companies and ask for a fee in exchange for posting promotional materials. In the best case, companies will approach you.

Make money with Affiliate marketing on Facebook

Another option for making money with Facebook is affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is like promoting products and services through affiliate links , in exchange for a fee. One way to access these affiliate links and promotional materials is by signing up with an affiliate network (Daisycon for example). This network acts as an intermediary. They arrange the links and payout for you with the relevant company.

But can't I do this with my own Facebook profile? Yes, you can. But do you want to bother all your friends and family with products that you promote? Unless they're all crazy about gardening and you're promoting the latest hedge trimmer, I didn't say anything, of course.

Facebook Ads and Affiliate Links

To increase your income you can also combine your posts with affiliate links with Facebook ads . By creating an advertisement for your message, you can specify exactly who will and will not see your message. They come to your page via the advertisement and then click through to the relevant website of the advertiser. This can give you sales, leads and new likes.

 Note: Advertising on Facebook is not free . Think in advance how much money you want to put into the ad. You pay for every person who clicks on your link, 

Tips for placing affiliate links on your page

  • Make sure you have a lot of likes and therefore a large reach on Facebook.
  • Don't bother your follower with products that don't help them. Make sure the product or service fits the topic of your page.
  • Make sure you stand behind the product yourself. You do n't want to violate the trust of your followers.
  • Discuss a personal experience you have with the product or display testimonials from others in support of your affiliate link.
  • Check your page statistics and see when your most followers are online, so you can adjust the time you post accordingly.
  • Be transparent and tell if your post contains an affiliate link. People appreciate your honesty and because you have built a certain bond with them, they are more likely to buy a product.

Place 1 post daily, including 1x a week with an affiliate link. What do you say in the rest of your posts?

  • Be valuable. For example, post videos in which you explain your passion and give good tips.
  • Dare to appear on your page yourself by means of a video or photo. That way you can better bind people to you.
  • Interact with your followers. Ask them a question. Gardening page: 'It was such nice weather this weekend! Did you also enjoy working in the garden?'

Earn money with your own products and services on Facebook

You can also get more visitors to your own website through Facebook . There visitors can buy your own product or service or click on other affiliate links, for example.

Do you sell your own products or services? Create a company or product page on Facebook. Follow the tips above to get more likes.

  • You can also set up a Facebook Ad for your own products and start selling more.
  • Increase your website visitors and newsletter subscriptions by explicitly asking people to click further. For example, by means of a nice blog that you have written and an attractive image that you have placed. Or organize a giveaway or give away an ebook you've made for free. Give benefits and tell them why you can make people's lives better.
  • Did you get them to click through to your website? Provide a clear and user-friendly website. Provide a clear call-to-action , so that the visitor knows what their next step will be. Send your visitor to your landing page instead of your homepage if you want to close a sale. Make sure there is always an option to subscribe to a newsletter. And make sure your contact details and payment details are clear.


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