How to stay motivated

Motivation includes intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. There are several factors that contribute to motivation, affecting productivity, dedication, and commitment to work and success. Understanding various motivations is useful in everyday life such as private life and work. In this article, I'll show you different types of motivation and how they can be used in your career, with examples.

stay motivated

What is motivation?

Motivation is the internal and external factors that result from a person's desire to focus on a position, object, goal, etc., or to remain interested. To be successful, you need to be motivated to continually pursue your career goals.

For example, you may want to be promoted to a more responsible position within your organization. Having specific goals can motivate you to achieve top-level performance. This is also true when studying to acquire specialized skills to improve financial strength.

Motivation is made up of conscious and unconscious factors, including gaining something and gaining praise and praise from others. Your source of motivation may be to make more money to support your family or to retire by a certain age.

Type of motivation

Finding the method that works best for you is key to motivating you to reach your goals and complete your tasks. Most types of motivation fall into one of the following:

  • Intrinsic motivation: Intrinsic motivation comes from within you. For example, it is activated when it matches your personal values. If you are volunteering for a local food bank activity, you will find it rewarding to help others and you are motivated by internal factors.
  • Extrinsic motivation: Extrinsic motivation if driven by external factors such as rewards and compliments. Rewards such as promotions, salary increases, bonuses, awards and livelihood maintenance are the driving forces behind things.

Here, we will introduce eight types of intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation, and how to utilize them in your work.

Incentive motivation

Incentive motivation is the execution of tasks for rewards (money, non-money). In general, incentives and motivators do not focus on the process of achieving their goals as long as they are rewarded. You can use incentive motivation to improve your career and financial strength. If you want to raise your salary, envisioning a high standard of living for additional compensation will give you the energy to reach your production and sales quotas.

Example: Aiming to be promoted to a new position is not because of responsibility or reward, but because of higher authority and salary.

Achievement motivation

stay motivated

Achievement motivation means performing a task to achieve a particular goal. We tend to focus more on committing to our vision and achieving our goals than winning awards.

  • Example: You may be a scientist working on a vaccine for a lethal virus. We find fulfillment in creating life-saving products rather than the commercial value of discovery. Aspiring people are also those who spend a lot of time developing new production processes to improve productivity and reduce waste, rather than selling patents for inventions.

Power motivation

When you spend hundreds of hours building a business or becoming an expert in the field, you try to control your life. When trying to control one's life and the lives of others, the motive is probably power. I find it interesting to decide for myself what to do with money, food, health, relationships, and so on.

Power motivation is a good way to advance your career, but it can also be difficult. It is a great spirit to make a conscious effort to secure a source of income and adopt healthy eating habits. However, it is important to respect people's opinions when it comes to personal choices such as lifestyle, diet, religion, and knowledge.

  • Example: A company wants to be promoted to a senior management position and become responsible for the team. Complete management training courses and apply for in-house open positions for smoother promotion.

Fear motivation

Fear of negative consequences drives you to avoid unpleasant experiences such as dismissal, demotion, proceedings, and stagnant roles. Fear motivation is not always healthy and sustainable, but it can be a somewhat effective motivation in the short term.

  • Example: If you can lose your livelihood by missing a sales quota, you can learn new ways to acquire clients and hone your appointment-taking skills.

Affiliate motivation

Also called social motivation, it promotes social interaction with people. People with a high sense of belonging are motivated by a spirit of cooperation and approval from others. Encourage active involvement in social groups.

A sense of belonging and contribution to the public interest will motivate you to become a better person and lead to a greater sense of fulfillment and well-being. This is a great way to reach your career goals if you don't get financial rewards.

  • Example: If you belong to an organization, you can be motivated by the evaluation of your colleagues and bosses for contributing to the success of the company.

Competency motivation

Competency motivation encourages you to have more skilled skills in your profession and allows you to become an expert in a particular field on an important aspect of your mission. This includes specialists such as neurosurgeons and aviation technicians who use problem-solving skills to address specific problems. Their motivation is to demonstrate their abilities that will have a huge impact.

  • Example: A cardiac surgeon receives specialized training to perform advanced surgery.

Attitude motivation

This is an attempt to change the perceptions and thoughts of others. We try to improve our relationships by reviewing our relationships with society. Focus on how people around you feel better about you and yourself.

  • Example: Volunteer leading an office campaign to change employee perceptions of proposed changes. It can affect the content and role of your work. We also help team members achieve their highest potential and success.

Expectancy motivation

stay motivated

This psychological theory is that individuals are motivated by expecting the desired outcomes of a particular effort. Based on the belief that you can receive a reward, you can measure whether you can act in proportion to the reward. The point is to select activities that can surely produce results.

Example: A tennis star challenges the Olympics because he expects to win a gold medal.

How to use motivation

There are many types of motivation, so more than one may apply. The best way to keep your level of motivation high is to use a combination of types of motivation and work towards your career and life goals.

To keep you motivated, here are some tips to help you.

  • Create Goals: Goal setting is a powerful way to stay motivated. It helps you focus your energy on the things that make the biggest difference in your work and life. Consider using SMART techniques to set specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely goals. Let's do it.
  • Communicate your goals to others: The best way to motivate yourself is to communicate your plans to people close to you. Whether you're a colleague or a relative, communicating your goals can help you feel more responsible and more determined.
  • Keep track of your progress: Make a plan to measure your goals and know what you need to do to reach them. For example, if you plan to increase your sales by 50% by the end of the year, check your total monthly sales to make sure you're making small progress. You can be more determined by making sure you are working positively towards your goals.
  • Reward yourself: Positive reinforcement is one of the most effective motivational factors. Reward yourself when you reach your ultimate goal or reach milestones along the way. For example, after an hour of work, or after making a big purchase to win an important contract for a company, you can walk for 10 minutes.


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