What is a Website and How Many Are There Today?

ProHnd.blogspot.com Internet sites or websites such as have become an inseparable part of the internet and the lives of its users. But do you know what exactly is called a website ?

 A website can be accessed through a web browser (Chrome, Firefox, et al) by entering the website URL address , or by searching for it in a search engine (Google, Bing, etc.) on a laptop or cellphone.

While technically, a website is a collection of interconnected pages on the internet. The page in the website , also known as a web page (page web ) that contains the information or services provided by an organization or business.

One of the web pages that must be found on the website is the homepage (home page). As the name implies, the homepage is the first web page that will appear when a user visits a website

Homepage typically contains all information related to the website , including a link (link ) to a web page other. The information presented in each web page on a website can take various forms, such as text, images, video, audio, to animation.

Well, every web page on a website is grouped into one under a name or online address that is unique and different from other websites

In addition to having a unique name, a website also has a specific domain name that is tailored to the purpose of making the website , for example for government, education, business, non-profit organizations, and so on.

Here are some examples of top level domain names , as compiled from Techopedia:

  •  .gov = for government agency websites
  •  .edu = for educational institution websites
  •  .org = for non-profit organization websites 
  •  .com = for commercial websites 
  •  .info = for websites containing information 
  •  .tv = for television websites

By far, .com is the most popular top level domain, because it is used for many commercial website needs . Starting from the media portal ( www .prohnd.blogspot.com, etc.), A social media site (facebook.com, twitter.com, etc.), entertainment sites (www.netflix.com, www.spotify.com, etc.), search engines (google.com, bing.com), and other commercial sites.


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